Champion Line Card

Champion Line Card – This two page brochure provides a great overview of the entire Champion product line. Some popular and often requested brochures can be found below. If you do not find what you are looking for please contact us.
Lubricated Air Compressors

Advantage Series – A selection of the flagship R-Series models available for quick shipment. Includes up to six standard, pre-installed accessories; 5-25 HP.

R Series – Loaded with rugged features designed for daily performance. Comes with a 5-year pro-rated warranty. 1.5 – 30 HP Oil-Lubricated suitable for automotive, industrial and other commercial applicaitons.

R15 - Cut Sheet covering models built using the R15B pump.

Engine Driven – A full range of both gasoline and diesel engine driven models utilizing both the R-Series and PL-Series pumps with popular engine options such as Honda, Kohler, and Yanmar.

Evolution – A reciprocating (piston), high-performance compressor that offers less noise and vibration. Ideal for moderate duty cycle applications where noise level is a concern.

PL Series – Built to operate in the toughest applications, the industrial PL-Series can operate up to 250 psig. Available in horizontal, vertical, or base mount configurations.

Centurion II – The splash-lubricated Centurion II reciprocating compressor is a great value. Each compressor features durable cast-iron construction, industrial grade filter and silencer and alloy steel reed valves; 3 – 15 HP.

Value Plus – Reciprocating Air Compressor engineered for applications that require a gas or electric driven compressor. Cast iron cylinders with top quality bearings; 5 - 15 HP.

Climate Control – The climate control compressors are suitable to critical industry demands for value and lasting performance. Features include a low temperatures and operating RPM; ½ - 25 HP.

Commandair – Sized for smaller air requirements, the Commandair is a compact reciprocating air compressor for do-it-yourselfers, homeowners or small industrial applications.

Air-On-Line – Gas & Electric Driven Portable Air Compressors with low operating speeds which reduces wear and extends life; 1.5 – 8 HP.
Oil-Less Air Compressors

MTO II – Built to run 24 hours a day, the craftsmanship of the MTO II is best in industry. Oil-less is better - the need for pure, environmentally clean compressed air is growing.

V & W Series – Assured long life is a by-product of the unique design of the V & W Series. Internal moving parts are protected from wear without conventional lubrication.
Rotary Screw Air Compressors

L-Series Fixed Speed (L07-L22) – Available from 10-30HP in both Base Mount and Tank Mounted AirStation configurations, the L07-L22 models produce pressures up to 190 PSIG and are available with Champion's optional 10-Year Premium Warranty making them the absolute best value in the industry.

L-Series Fixed Speed (L23-L29) – Available from 30-40HP in a Base Mount configuration, the L23-L29 models produce pressures up to 190 PSIG and are available with Champion's optional 10-Year Premium Warranty making them the absolute best value in the industry.

LRS-Series Variable Speed (L07RS-L22RS) – All the same benefits and available configurations as the L07-L22 but in a premium energy savings variable speed design, and like the other L-Series models, are also available with Champion's optional 10-Year Premium Warranty.

LRS-Series Variable Speed (L23RS-L29RS) – All the same benefits and available configurations as the L23-L29 but in a premium energy savings variable speed design, and like the other L-Series models, are also available with Champion's optional 10-Year Premium Warranty.

Vision Series Fixed Speed – Available from 5-15HP in both Base Mount and Tank Mounted AirSystem configurations, the Vision Series produce pressures up to 175 PSIG and are also available with Champion's optional 10-Year Premium Warranty.
Rotary Vane Air Compressors

LV-Series Fixed Speed – Available from 2 - 5HP the LV Series can run at a 100% duty cycle in both start/stop and continuous run modes and are available with Champion's optional 10-Year Premium Warranty.

LVR-Series Fixed Speed – Available in 7.5 & 10HP models the LVR Series can run at a 100% duty cycle in both start/stop and continuous run modes and are available with Champion's optional 10-Year Premium Warranty.

Hydrovane Rotary Vane – The 2 - 60HP Hydrovane offering includes a wide variety of open, cabinet enclosed base mount, and tank mounted rotary vane air compressors in both fixed and variable speed designs and are available in pressures up to 150 PSIG. Hydrovane compressors are known for slow speed operation and have all the same 100% duty cycle benefits as their rotary screw counterparts. Of course, they too are available with Champion's optional 10-Year Premium Warranty. This PDF is an overview of the entire Hydrovane line with specific product brochures available upon request.